4th assighnment

 In my opinion this book is full of minor elements that connect with only a few major ones. These major elements are the 5 main characters in this book. These characters are Mike, Bill, Ben, Richie, and Beverly. Each of these characters have a role in this book but I'll expand upon what I consider the 3 main characters.
Bill Denbourough: This character is the leader of the group of 5 friends, that wind up battling the worst evil imaginable at age 12. Bill is the thinker and doer of the group, he brings a Walther with him to kill Legion.
Mike Hanlon: He brings in the historical significance of the evil within the Clown, which is Legion. Once the history behind Legion is told the reader realizes that the characters are in deep do-do.
Richie Tozier: Nicknamed "The Mouth" is the smartass of the group, but always trying to lighten things up.  Without this joker all the characters would have self-destructed with the insanity of fighting such a great evil.

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