5th Assignment

The main conflict in this book has to be character vs. supernatural. I say this because of the battle between It and the lucky 7. This leads to the project of good fighting evil no matter what the cost. The entire town of Derry except for the kids are under some spell and don't want to believe the past events of their town. This makes it even more crucial for the lucky 7 to kill It or the town will constantly suffer.


4th assighnment

 In my opinion this book is full of minor elements that connect with only a few major ones. These major elements are the 5 main characters in this book. These characters are Mike, Bill, Ben, Richie, and Beverly. Each of these characters have a role in this book but I'll expand upon what I consider the 3 main characters.
Bill Denbourough: This character is the leader of the group of 5 friends, that wind up battling the worst evil imaginable at age 12. Bill is the thinker and doer of the group, he brings a Walther with him to kill Legion.
Mike Hanlon: He brings in the historical significance of the evil within the Clown, which is Legion. Once the history behind Legion is told the reader realizes that the characters are in deep do-do.
Richie Tozier: Nicknamed "The Mouth" is the smartass of the group, but always trying to lighten things up.  Without this joker all the characters would have self-destructed with the insanity of fighting such a great evil.


3rd Assignment

 This book has been completely original to me thus far in the book. This book describes only one character per chapter. That is how in depth with detail this book really is, concerning characters that is. So far there has been limited action on behalf of the evil clown. I only hope to assume that the scariest parts of this book are in such vivid detail as the introducing of characters. There are so many characters to describe and i can just make out a LoTR-esque  approach to doing so. In LoTR, if i remember right, a lot of the characters would have a chunk of info to go with them. The only difference i see is that a lot of characters in LoTR are described without action, only words full of history. In IT you see a totally active scene, you are being shown what is going down in their life not told about it. This book also has many flashbacks and is generally confusing if you really aren't following the book. There is no skimming this book, there is WAY to much flashbacks and stuff if  you are gonna be lazy. Also another original thing the dang evil clown that likes to eat people, and generally comes up in class to often. The clown is wack, the first scene the clown is in a storm drain of a flooded street Creepy! I first thought that it was a typo, but Stephen King can be weird i guess. Look at Dreamcatcher, aliens that come out of the arse bad news.


2nd Assignment

It is hard to tell who the main character is yet because of the way the characters are introduced in these first hundred pages of IT. My best guess would have to be William Denbrough or Eddie Kaspbrak. They seem more important in this because the have both been traumatized. William AKA stuttering Bill's brother actually dissapeared after he saw the clown of death. Eddie though is different, he has seen death. Both characters are very complex and full of detail.

It is extremely hard to compare myself to the characters at the at the moment, it is too early in the book and the characters have not shown any qualities yet. The only character that has been introduced with something has been Stanley. He is a major buisness person in this small town, so he's rich. The only thing i can compare myself to is the innocence this character has, with all the money he had he never got into anything like drugs and such. I compare myself to that because if i were rich and a buisness man i wouldn't let myself ruin my job with drugs or any outside conflict.

It is hard to explain what is going down in this town of Derry because so many characters are involved at this point. If i followed one main character it would only skim what is really going down. Each character is being set up for a role in this book I could immediately tell. There are hints in Kings work that i interperate as foreshadowing. Already in the first 100 pgs of this book a character has dissapeared; Bill's brother. There is too much going down from other characters to give a general account of just ones. Don Hagarty is in jail being interogatted. A phone call has been over heard and all of it is leading up to the event that happens in Fall 1957.


1st Assignment

The book that i have choosen is Stephen Kings IT. The reason i am choosing this book is because of the author which ive heard of a lot. I am also choosing this book because my family already owns it. It is easy for me to choose this book because i am lazy and now i wont have to go hunt down some random book.

First Blog
